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Interview with Pierre Rodde on the occasion of his 5 years at Ouvry !

“After five years, it is difficult to list all the satisfactions I have to work at Ouvry! »

Pierre Rodde has been working at Ouvry for 5 years now. For this occasion we decided to ask him some questions about his experience within the company.

I joined OUVRY in 2014, as a market manager for France DEFENSE – Security and law enforcement forces. A market that I had known for a few years, in the distribution and sale of CBRN respiratory protection equipment.

Since then, things have changed a lot for me. I am now in charge of overseas sales but I keep connections with the French customers. I cover three main areas: Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, while OUVRY is now present in more than thirty countries!

I met Ludovic Ouvry on different occasions but I was not familiar with the company, which was created in 2003. It was during a dinner in a Parisian restaurant that I found out that he also conducted product research and development, and that he manufactured equipment such as the CBRN Felin Future Soldier System for the army, for example. His French entrepreneurial approach, his dynamism and the “canut[1] [1]” spirit impressed me. As a former soldier, I could measure the high expectations in terms of improvement and modernization of CBRN equipment during my first experience in the civilian world; I was very keen to be part of it and to get involved in the design of better and more efficient equipment than the aging ones I had used myself. Some had been in service in the French armies for many years.

Then it all happened very quickly. A test day with Aurore during an event with the French Special Forces was enough! The SF day, during which I met a lot of acquaintances, convinced me. This was the moment when I felt this was where I belonged, and where I wanted to get involved. Now, as I look back I realize that it is no coincidence people join Ouvry! Working for a French industrial SME, created by a young visionary engineer is good, but being able to express your ideas and knowing that it can quickly lead to concrete achievements is even better! I wasn’t disappointed at all, I can assure you!

Moreover, the team spirit that still prevails today within the company encourages active listening, solidarity and exchange. Everyone can express his ideas, and everyone then seeks and proposes solutions to achieve the common objective: “to bring out the best of what we can do to the forces”. That was the most important thing to me, and it still remains the most important thing today. This happens to be very similar to what animates the spirit of the Special Forces.

After five years, it is difficult to list all the satisfactions I have to work at Ouvry. I will mention three of them, as you have certainly understood: independence, responsiveness and team spirit. The continued confidence granted to me under any circumstance makes me feel good.

Within five years I have seen the successful progress made on protective clothing, innovative masks and many other equipment for example. When I arrived at OUVRY I was surprised by the importance of the innovation, R&D and manufacturing aspects. It was already impressive five years ago. You can’t even imagine the number of projects that are either far advanced, underway are in the pipeline!

I would have a hard time mentioning an anecdote or an event that marked my commitment over these 5 years that have gone by very, very quickly. There are so many of them must be kept off-the-record!!! I recall that when you are abroad you can quickly find yourself in unexpected and varied situations: moments of high tension or close monitoring, for example. Or, on the contrary, an invitation to lunch at the highest level of the state or a visit to exceptional places where access is prohibited for a simple visitor.

More generally, but also more personally, I am happy to have so many opportunities to take a fresh look at other cultures, at other problems than yours, which may be futile, and at other lifestyles.

[1] [2] The canuts were Lyonnais silk workers