29juinToute la journée02juilSOFINS 2021


From June 29 to July 01, 2021, the 5th edition of the SOFINS will be held on the camp of Souge in the Gironde (33) This event will devote a year of meetings and intense work of the members of the Crossbow Circle.

Unique in Europe, this biannual event is the unmissable event for the high-tech industry and special forces. During 3 days, VSEs, SMEs and large industrial groups will meet under the benevolent eye of the Cercle de l’Arbalète in order to propose unique solutions adapted to the needs of special operations.

The Souge camp, the location of the 13th RDP, will be transformed for the occasion into a place for meetings and technical demonstrations: dynamic tests of equipment in conditions will allow innovative manufacturers to demonstrate the added value of their equipment for the operator of today and tomorrow.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Quand ?

29 Juin 2021 - 2 Juillet 2021 (Toute la journée)(GMT+00:00)

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