Detector paper

REF: 200000AA Category:

The detector paper provides easy detection and differentiation of the three main groups of liquid chemical warfare agents: GB, VX and HD.
In contact with a drop of chemical agent, the color of the paper changes in less than 30 seconds for quick identification.

Identification of the chemical warfare agent:

  • Presence of GB liquid: Yellow
  • Presence of liquid HD: Red
  • Presence of liquid VX: Dark green


  • Number of sheets per book: 12
  • Number of possible tests: 24
  • Dimensions of one sheet: 65 x 85 mm
  • Life in original packaging: 5 years
  • Storage conditions: – 40 ° C / + 40 ° C (+60°C no more than 1 month)
  • Operation temperature : -40°C / +60°C

Additional information

