The first TRANSTUN Workshop on “Risk analysis for Cross-Border Critical Infrastructures against Chemical Risks” – hosted by the Links Foundation at the “Cittadella Politecnica”, Turin, on the 12th of February – has successfully come to an end.
The event, which contributes to TRANSTUN project’s goal of achieving increased preparedness and response towards chemical attacks/incidents affecting cross-border tunnels, was met with great enthusiasm by all participants, let alone end-users (from Security Managers and Tunnel Operators to CBRN first responders and the Academia).
The one-day workshop focused on the following topics:
- Main CBRN risks to Cross-Border Critical Infrastructures – with a focus on chemical risks;
- Sharing the Risk Matrix in a multi-stakeholder approach;
- Establishing meaningful partnerships for sustained use of effective protocols, equipment, and procedures against chemical attacks/incidents in tunnels by the community responsible for the protection of Cross-Border Critical Infrastructures.
For further information about the outcomes of the workshop – a key step towards the setting-up of a standardised risk assessment matrix (which will be tested in a pilot infrastructure) – and future activities, stay tuned and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @TRANSTUN project!
#TRANSTUNWorkshop, #Dissemination, #Networking, #RiskAnalysis, #Multi-stakeholdersApproach, #TunnelSafety&Security #EUHomeAffairs #CBRN #RiskMitigation